First Name
Last Name
Mobile Number
Are you a member of Al Falah Center?
If you are not a member of Al Falah Center, please identify your local masjid (Type NA if not applicable)
Are you available 7 days a week to volunteer?
Can you get to the masjid within 1 hour after receiving a call for help?
Are you qualified to lead the washing and the shrouding process?
Yes, I have been trained, and I can lead
No, I can only assist
If you are qualified, where did you receive the training? (Type NA if not applicable)
Waiver 1
For certain individuals, the viewing of deceased and participating in the washing and shrouding process can be traumatic and may leave a lasting emotional impact. You release the Al Falah Center and its representatives from any liability/claim/lawsuit that may arise from such emotional impact.
I accept this condition
I do not accept this condition (Al Falah Center reserves the right to decline your participation if you do not accept this condition)
Waiver 2
You understand the janazah preparation involves washing of the deceased. This can make the preparation room slippery. It is your responsibility to wear proper attire and non-slip footwear. In the unfortunate event that you may have a slip and fall incident, you release the Al Falah Center and its representatives from any liability/claim/lawsuit that may arise from such an incident.
I accept this condition
I do not accept this condition. (The Al Falah Center reserves the right to decline your participation if you did not accept condition).
Waiver 3
Participation in the preparation process is voluntary and of your own free will. The Al Falah Center does not offer compensation for it.
I accept this condition
I do not accept this condition (The Al Falah Center reserves the right to decline your participation if you did not accept this condition)
Waiver 4
You understand that the participation in the preparation process is the right of the family members of the deceased. By registering here, the Al Falah Center does not guarantee that you will be called to participate. You will be called to assist only in case the family members are not available.
I accept this condition
I do not accept this condition (The Al Falah Center reserves the right to decline your participation if you did not accept this condition)
Condition 1
Even though you may have a training from a different institution/center/organization, you will follow the process and procedures outlined by the Al Falah Center in the washing and shrouding process
I accept this condition
I do not accept this condition (The Al Falah Center reserves the right to decline your participation if you did not accept this condition)
Condition 2
The Al Falah Center identifies a lead for every washing and shrouding event. Even though you may be qualified to lead, if you are not assigned as a lead, you will participate in the capacity of a helper
I accept this condition
I do not accept this condition (The Al Falah Center reserves the right to decline your participation if you did not accept this condition)
Condition 3
If you have not been assigned as a lead but were requested to attend as a helper, you will wait outside the preparation room, and will not commence any process till the lead has arrived
I accept this condition
I do not accept this condition (The Al Falah Center reserves the right to decline your participation if you did not accept this condition)
Condition 4
The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, All will conceal his faults in this life and in the Hereafter." You will not disclose whatever you observe in the preparation room about the deceased person to anyone outside.
I accept this condition
I do not accept this condition (The Al Falah Center reserves the right to decline your participation if you did not accept this condition)